Community Bible Church
Inwood, LI, NY
About Us
About Us
Community Bible Church has been a Beacon of light and hope in the Community of Inwood NY for over sixty years. We believe in the blood of Jesus Christ and that the Bible is the true word of God. We are a small congregational church. Located approximately 15 minutes from JFK Airport, in the Five Towns, Nassau County, Long Island, NY, God has used this body of believers to bring hope to the poor and down trodden. Through the years God has used Community Bible Church as a thrift store, food pantry, and crisis pregnancy center for unwed mothers. Also CBC was instrumental in the settlement of over three hundred refugees from Vietnam, Ethiopia, and Cambodia, and most of these people have moved on to live productive lives. Many children learned about the love of Jesus Christ from Vacation Bible School and Neighborhood Kids Club that was taught for a number of years in the Redfern Projects. We are also Pro-Life and have fought for the unborn baby in the womb and some went to jail. The Brothers and Sisters of Community Bible Church are compelled by the Lord Jesus Christ to spread The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the message of salvation to all people.
We hold 4 Services a week: Praise & Worship Sunday 11:15AM at Church and on Conference Line
Prayer Meeting Tuesday 7AM at Church
Prayer Meeting Friday 7PM on Conference Line
Bible Study Tuesday 8PM on Conference Line
Telephone Conference as listed above:1-978-990-5000 Access Code:702606#. If you get a busy signal keep trying.
Some Sunday Services are Live Streamed on Facebook, befriend Venisia Bland.
340 Doughty Blvd.
Inwood, NY 11096